Evil Equality
People are only ever equal when they are all as ignorant as each other or as bad as each other.
People are only ever equal when they are all as ignorant as each other or as bad as each other.
Changing your religious stance from what you used to know to be right is a sign of misguidance and falling into fitnah.
Times of calamities and tribulation are times to return to Allah; and to sin during this time is to destroy oneself.
A warning from the Companion Muadh b. Jabl about corrupt and ignorant times and the state of some people in those times.
The one who obstinately argues and thinks too much of his own opinion is a true loser.
Safety lies in not wanting to be known.
A person of insight has deeper knowledge about some matters that others seem to feel safe from.
Three qualities of the people who spread trials and tribulations amongst the believers.
People who fall into fitnah are often lead astray by two categories of people.
Some of the evils that come with loving authority and seeking power.