Fast Times
Time is going fast, so make good your deeds and rectify your errors.
Time is going fast, so make good your deeds and rectify your errors.
Imam Ibn Al-Mubarak on four things a person needs to be successful in seeking knowledge.
A person of insight has deeper knowledge about some matters that others seem to feel safe from.
The Salaf used to be careful not to speak in front of elders unless absolutely needed.
As per general repect to elders, the Salaf would let someone who is older enter first, contrary to common practice today.
Some of the most important things that benefit us, and without which, a person is of no benefit.
An explanation of the kind of Islamic knowledge that is required learning for every Muslim.
It is reported that Imām Aḥmad b. Ḥanbal – Allāh have mercy on him – said: Al-Shāfi’ī saw me sitting in his circle, and there was some ink on my shirt I was trying to hide. He said, “Young man, why are you hiding it? Having ink on ones clothes is a sign of lofty […]
A description of some of the best and worst types of people. An example of how the Salaf warned about social corruption, even by mentioning names.
Some qualifications for issuing religious edicts (fatwa).