Muhammad b. Ziyâd said, “I met [some of] the Salaf. They would live in one building with their families. One of them might receive guests, and the cooking pot of another might be on the fire (with food being cooked). The host would take the pot to serve his guest, and the owner of the pot would find it had gone and would ask, “Who has taken the pot?” The host would reply, “We have taken it for our guest.” The owner would say, “May Allâh bless it for you,” or something similar. Baqîyah (one of the reporters) said, “Muhammad said, ‘And it was the same when they baked bread; and they had only a wall of reeds separating them in those days.’” Baqîyah added, “And I remember seeing such times with Muhammad b. Ziyâd and his friends.””
Al-Bukhârî, Al-Adab Al-Mufrad. Shaykh Al-Albânî (Sahîh Al-Adab Al-Mufrad p268) said this narration’s chain of narration is sahîh.